Driving Distance Calculator and Driving Directions Asyut (Egypt)

See Also: Egypt Distance Calculator
Distance From Address, Place, City etc.
Distance To Address, Place, City etc.
Asyut (Egypt) Driving Distance Calculator, calculates the Distance and Driving Directions between two addresses, places, cities, villages, towns or airports in Asyut (Egypt).
This distance and driving directions will also be displayed on interactive map labeled as Distance Map and Driving Directions Asyut (Egypt).
The distance between cities of Asyut (Egypt) is calculated in kilometers(kms), miles and nautical miles. Distance in miles gives you the mileage between cities by this Asyut (Egypt) mileage calculator.
Asyut (Egypt) Distance Chart (Distance Table): For your quick reference, below is a Distance Chart or Distance Table of distances between some of the major cities in Asyut (Egypt).
[Note: The distance between cities in Asyut (Egypt) distance chart below is straight line distance (may be called as flying or air distance) between the two locations in Asyut (Egypt) calculated based on their latitudes and longitudes. This distance may be very much different from the actual travel distance.]

Asyut (Egypt) Distance Calculator and Driving Distance Between Cities

  • Enter the "Distance From" city, village, town, airport or place name from Asyut (Egypt) in the "Distance From" (first) text box.
  • Enter the "Distance To" city, village, town, airport or place name from Asyut (Egypt) in the "Distance To" (second) text box.
  • You can also enter airport name or code from Asyut (Egypt) in above fields.
  • This will display the dropdown with suggested places in Asyut (Egypt); Select the desired Address /Place /City /Village /Town /Airport from both the dropdown lists.
  • Click the "Get Distance & Directions" button to get the distance between the selected addresses /places /cities /towns /villages /airports in Asyut (Egypt).
Distance From CityDistance To CityDistance (km)
Abu TijAbnub30.73
Al QusiyahDayrut12.72
Nazlat al HarajatNaj` `Abd ar Rasul6.6
Naj` ThabitAl Jawli5.46
Al `AwamirNaj` al Jazirah47.86
ShalashAn Nasiriyah53.63
Nazlat al Kallabat al GharbiyahAl `Udar15.4
`Izbat al JayshJazirat al Akrad wa at Tawabiyah2.67
Awlad SarhanAr Riyad12.99
`Arab at TataliyahNazlat al Muqata`ah18.38
An NawamisMinshat Hammam1.86
Az ZayarahTasa11.78
Abu al HidrAbu Khalil29.85
Abu KhursAbu Kurayyim86.05
Duwayr `AyidAl `Afadirah8
Al AghannahAl Akrad wa Bani Zayd45.19
Al `AmiriAl Ansar82.61
Al AqadimahAl `Aridah62.82
Al `AssarahAl `Ataminah31.51
Al AtawilahAl `Awanah20.28
Al `AzayzahAl Balayzah16.59
Al BarbaAl Barud al Gharbi4.64
Al Barud ash SharqiAl Barud wa Awlad Ilyas1.65
Al BayyadiyahAl Burah wa al Hadaya46
Distance From CityDistance To CityDistance (km)
Al FaruqiyahAl Fayama'34.03
Al Ghana'im BahriAl Ghanayim2.83
Al GhurayyibAl Habalisah63.84
Al HadayaAl Hammam11.73
Al Hamra'Al Haradinah47.28
Al HasamidahAl Hasanah4.06
Al HassaniAl Hawatikah4.2
Al HutaAl `Iqal al Qibli93.01
Al `IzziyahAl Khawalid42.26
Al Ma`abidahAl Madabigh22.77
Al MadwarAl Manashi18.96
Al Mandarah BahriAl Mandarah Qibli32.74
Al ManshiyahAl Ma`sarah10.98
Al Mashay`ahAl Mas`udi12.14
Al Matawi`ahAl Minshat al Kubra24.97
Al Minshat as SughraAl Mitmar63.78
Al Muti`ahAl Qasr11.7
Al QurashiyahAl Qusayr12.16
Al `UthmaniyahAl Wa`adilah10.29
Al WalidiyahAl Wasta5.97
An Nawamis wa Marawinat an NasaraAn Nawawirah22.76
An NazlahAn Nazlah al Mustajiddah16.88
An NihayahAn Nukhaylah80.03
`Arab al `Atiyat al BahriyahAsh Shanabilah3.94